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Google AdWords Advanced Analytics Add-on


Google AdWords Advanced Analytics Add-on

Reliable and quick insight into your business can mean the difference between failure and success. That’s why robust analytics should always be an integral part of your decision making process. The new Google AdWords Advanced Analytics add-on enables you to import you Google AdWords data into Zoho Reports for advanced reporting and analysis. It’s an add-on that delivers the power of Zoho Reports to all Google AdWords users.  Over the next few paragraphs we’ll go over the benefits of this new feature and how you can take advantage of it.

What is the Zoho Reports Advanced Reporting add-on for Google AdWords and how does it work?

The Advanced Reporting add-on is a complete business intelligence (BI) and reporting tool that allows you to dissect and analyze your Google AdWords data and present it in a variety of reports and dashboards. The add-on comes preloaded with more than 50 report options and dashboards, which means that you will be able to run your data and get the insights that you need in no time. However, should you require a custom built solution; you can always create your own reports and dashboards using data from Google AdWords AND any other sources and business applications; which really makes this add-on very versatile.

Decision making is improved thanks to built-in sharing, collaboration as well as publishing features that allow for better data interpretation within and across departments. Users can easily access reports online and permission based access ensures complete control over the audience.  Alternatively, you can also schedule emails containing the reports to your users; thus providing them with the most up to date view of the data.

When it comes to the file format that you want your data exported to, there are wide ranging options which will further facilitate coloration, even when offline. You can export and email reports and dashboards in various file formats such as CSV, Excel, PDF, HTML and image. What’s more, you can embed your reports, tables and dashboards into your website, web application, blog or intranet page and control who can access them.

Next, we will go over the steps required to integrate the new Google AdWords Advanced Analytics add-on into Zoho Reports.

How to implement

Step 1: Log into your Zoho Reports account using your Zoho credentials.

Step 2: Select Import from Google AdWords, from the Zoho Reports home page.

Step 3: Sign in using your Google AdWords id and password.

Step 4: Click Allow.

Step 5: In the Import from Google Adwords dialog, select the client whose data you wish to import into Zoho Reports. Click Next.

Step 6: Zoho Reports allows you to fetch the data from a particular period. You can choose the term from fetch data period drop-down. Available options are: Last 30 days, Last 3 months, Last 6 months, Custom.

Step 7: Select the fields and modules that you wish to import.

Step 8: Storing all the data in Zoho Reports might take up too much space (row count); therefore, Zoho Reports offers a cleanup option to remove older data automatically. Available options are: Older than 3 months, Older than 6 months, Older than 1 year. Should you wish to keep older data, you can select Don’t Cleanup.

Step 9: You can schedule the data to be imported every day at a particular time. Under the Schedule Import Setting section, select Every day from the Repeat drop-down. Choose the time for the import from the Time drop-down. You can change the Timezone by clicking on the Change link.

Step 10: On clicking Create, initial data import will begin. This process will take some time. You will notified via email once this process is complete